Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fcking Genting.

Now I'm on a laptop - without a charger. Right. What the hell happened to it? Probably my sister or my mom took it away from me. Got the laptop but not charger. Pfft.

Yesterday I had the most biggest argument in my life. With my mom. Okay here's how the story goes.

She came back from work. I was upstairs - probably sulking. So when dinner was starting, I came down, she started screaming. PLEASE don't say she's crazy. She's my mom.

So yeah. That was how it started. I don't want to elaborate the argument. It was too painful to even think about. That was why I'm awake now. 8:45 AM. Believe it guys. I'm awake ON this time DURING holidays. I slept well, surprisingly. Maybe it was the tears last night I shed.

I don't think its all about Genting that made my mom & I argued. I think it was me. My dad avoided the scene by staying in his room and my sister's asleep but most probably she's awake after all the screaming and my brother was there for me.

I felt extremely RELIEVED when Sara called. I was charging my phone. Sitting on the floor , texting people. Then Sara called. Its so GREAT to hear her voice again. Makes me wanna cry. I told her about the thingy briefly. And we discussed a few plans. We talked about almost everything.

Then she was about to say bye then YENYI called. Haha! I was so happy that she called. Its been a long time we ever like call each other and catch up with our lives. I also told Yenyi what happened. Only briefly. If I explained the entire story, I'll burst into tears again. We were talking lots of funny stuff and well, it got interrupted by my mom's voice.

And guys, my annually Halloween party will be on PENDING. I have to cool it off first with my mom and all. So ... I'll let you guys know soon. Sleep overs including Movie Marathon is also on hold. Sorry guys. There's a possibility that I'm not gonna organize any these events. But I'm not very sure of it so .. *sad smile*

JiHee, I miss you. It feels like I have to talk to 3 of my bitches to forget everything. But its difficult to forget these things. My mom is gonna hold that grudge against me maybe for 500 days. That's what my dad says. Every issue or problems, she'll bring it up all the time until the 500th day. Nice. That's more than a year.

Where the hell is the charger? No, I better not find it. Or I'll stay here forever. I have to clean my things before my mom comes home. That's my task today. Spick & Span, that's what she always wanted when you live under her roof.

Kays, bye people. : )

I don't give a damn about it.

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