Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wake up & Wonder

Hey guys. Its like 6:04 AM now. I woke up about 5 AM and its so freaking weird.

I slept at 10 PM last night. SO I thought, since I'm so tired, I will forget things about the results. Cause I didn't get my sleep for one whole day. So I woke up, thinking that its like 3 AM since its so dark but its 5 AM.

I tried going back to sleep again. But it didn't work. I kept on sneezing until it woke my sister up. But she can always go back to sleep.

So I found out why did I wake up in a weird, odd time. So why?

Its because my nose is full and I can't breathe. Not really. Its like block nose. I can't really sleep well if my nose is running. Which have already ruined my entire sleep.

So I slept for 7 hours straight and its bloody 5 AM. Now 6 AM.

So I took this awesome time to wrap the presents for my bitches. I just wanna post before I start. And I am gonna do it somewhere downstairs cause the wrapper gives so much noise.

I supposed to buy the gift for myself too. LOL. Its just so so so ... I'll tell you guys after they receive the presents. I took a picture of it too. I was LMAO-ing on the floor. LOL.

So I'm gonna head downstairs, PEE and eat then only start wrapping them. What an awful morning. BAH.

Of course, I'm worried about the PMR results. Even Yenyi called me when I was half way running to the dream world.. That was the perfect time for the bitches' talk but I was too bloody sleepy to keep up a conversation.

Told her to watch Gossip Girl till she forgets everything, which was the good idea. I hope she's sleeping now, soundly. She told me she will be arriving to school later than it was scheduled and I was still too tired to get in the details and ask why.

I asked Yenyi about Sara. Yenyi was kinda shocked that Sara didn't call me but had told Yenyi that she will call me but she didn't so I am wondering why. I heard Sara won't be coming for the results which was very upsetting cause I was looking forward to see both of them and start screaming our heads off.

So I won't be wearing school uniform right? Hope not. But I have to wear something decent and pure modesty. Well, its because... Its a school that they don't wanna see skin and exposure. SO will I be wearing tudung next year? Oh, not so-oh surprising.

I won't be going out after the PMR results which I am really, really sorry. I didn't mean this to happen but something ka boom and change of plans. Which I had cause trouble to Karen, Natapoey & Jason cause they're depending on me. I'm sorry guys, truly.

Maybe this Sat or something or next week, with Azman. :D Gosh, my face lit up when I mention his name. He is like my Papa. :) Right, papa? I know you're reading this!

Okay, I know my sense of humor is getting dry day by day but at least you get what I'm trying to say.

I gotta admit, I am afraid of the results. I'm not really sure whether I'll cry or not. If I get my Maths and English [A], I'll be happy. VERY. Well my goal was ... don't get any [C]'s which was really stupid. OF COURSE I will get C's. I am sure of it.

Well, I wanna wish KOK LEONG especially the best of his results. KL, I am actually writing something here for you. Look, I wrote your name in capital letters. Since KL is kinda desperate to get straight A's, and he WAS an arrogant mentor to me, why don't I dutifully, wish him all the best? Right? So it feels like its my job to wish my mentor the best of luck.

I'm gonna see you in Arts, KL. Good luck tolerating me while I torture you. UGH.

I also want to wish the best of luck to JASON TAN. He also a very good friend of mine who is incredibly naturally smart in studies but dumb in reality (LOL) desperately wants to get straight A's - mostly for his parents cause I don't think he wanna let them down. So Jason, you can stop being so desperate now. :D

I want Yenyi & Sara to know that I'm here for them and of course I want them to strive higher than they've expected. And Ji Hee, I will FB mail to you my results. I'm sure you wanna know. :) Bitches, GOOD LUCK!!

What else? I really NEED to PEE.

That's all for this glorious, unpredicted morning.

I will get to you back after the ceremony. OK? OK.

Hope Pn Sharifah won't smack me with her handbag. I'll run away before she catches me.

Loads of love (just for today.),

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