Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Long, long Day.

I planned out what am I gonna do today. Really I did.

After I posted some updates here, I planned to play games until about 2 PM. 2PM-when my siblings will fetch the turkey. And then take a nap until 8 PM when my parents come back.

But everything went kaput. There was no naps. Hey, I didn't sleep for one whole day. Let me tell you the entire story. Ready? Okay, I will proceed.

I played games until 4 PM. I woke my brother up for my sister - to ready to fetch some turkey. That was about 2 PM i think. So time passed fast. I was addicted to my game, so does my sis.

5 PM was the scheduled time to fetch the turkey. And the next thing I knew, there was war happened in my house.

My brother was shouting and my sister was arguing. And I was the third person there, trying so hard to stop them both from fighting.

My brother's health is not that good so if his temper rose beyond the limit, he will literally explode. Like - stroke. So my sister was provoking him, and he is fighting back. I was shouting, too. Like "Stop fighting! STOP, you guys! SHH!".

I'm most likely to be pitied right now. My brother changed his mind that he is not going to follow my sister. My sister was, of course, shocked. He backed out last minute. They did planned all this right before they make some reservations. And the worst part was, my brother told my sister to go alone.

Which that cannot be done. My sister has no sense of directions at all. Just like me & my mum. My brother knows the road better and yeah, we needed him to accompany my sister. Then my brother was comparing yada yada.

My sister was shouting back and kinda mocked him at the same time. SO I'm like, "KOR! Stop replying what she's gonna say! You, just BREATHE." "JIE! Keep your mouth SHUT!" "KOR! We are going right NOW! So shut up and calm down." "JIE! Stop provoking him. We know our brother well."

It was very very fussy.. The time is ticking and they were arguing. My brother's temper was very very fragile. And I always keep my voice calm and with lots of patience. My sister's temper is hard to please - in the future. Like in the car. (I am forced to go. So bye bye Nappy!) She was throwing her bags and all to me and well, kinda abuse the car too harsh.

So now I'm like a Goddess of Peace. They're not talking at all right now. I can tell my brother had finally soothe himself, composed and well assured confident. My sister is the type to hold grudges so that would be very difficult for me.

So we went off to Bangsar, thanks to the GPS Navigation. It was running low of battery which was literally giving us desperation to move with speed. And 4 PM... the road started to pack. Some inconsiderate people, honked their horns! During the traffic jam. Which have caused terrible noise pollution. I suggest them to on their radio with good soothing song. And be bloody patient!

The people were driving so aggressively and that is one of the reason I avoid going out. I am afraid of cars ever since I had an accident ... last year. So .. oh gosh, I miss Ah Fook. He went to the grooming centre to get his looks polished. How I needed him so badly.

Of course, some taxi drivers as well! They illegally broken the rules! Which had almost gave us an accident. Traumatic! I will start screaming if a car gets too near. Which my dad loves to do that. For no complete reason.

We went to KLCC - last minute plan, to get my sister's books that she had ordered last week. So we went. I really hate people, when they get on the escalator, when they descend the escalator, they walk so slow!! Everyone knows its a moving staircase and if I wasn't fast enough, I will body slam the SLOW people in front of me. And the rest will body slam me from behind. Too.

We also went to Cold Storage to get some ingredients. And pfft, it was so bloody crowded. I have no freaking idea why do people stand and crowd the entrance just to see the pizza burning in display? Oh do move on! Then there was this stack of CDs especially for kids, was placed in such a narrow place. AHH! Get a grip. They put the stack of CDs in front of the vegetable area. Oh my gosh. Have some common sense! Put it around the toys or somewhere. People kept on crashing into it and yeah so did I.

It was really, really tight. Maybe it was just the people admiring or browsing some stuff FAR TOO LONG that they don't move and well, once you don't move, others won't either! Even the cashier. There was 3 stands. My sister was in the middle one. And oh my gosh, the man in front of my sister, after paying everything, he took his own bloody sweet time placing his cash into his wallet. I feel like KILLING HIM. His elbow can slighty touch my boobs, you know? It was really tight & stuffy. Oh, why didn't I just simple SAY, "Excuse me?!!!?"

Bought the wrapping papers. I thought a piece cost RM 8.90. Then I found out it was the paper plates. BAH. I will never go there again, SERIOUSLY. Oh bitches, see you tomorrow. :)

Oh I spent my time in the car reading some magazine. Of course I felt sleepy. I didn't take my nap. Sobs. Then have to layan my sister's foul mood that gives some annoying sensation.

Okay. That would be all. My dirty complains.

About tomorrow. Well, I have to ask my mom about the outing. Confirm with Jason, Karen, Natapoey, Yenyi, Sara etc. I have to wrap the presents.. *groans*

BAD BAD DAY. And I stink! U wek.

Oh check out at Concorde Hotel, KL. The lights were beautiful in blue. I didn't get to take a picture cause some freaking motorist blocked my camera. Argh!

Time to have some turkey. :) I'll talk to you soon. Or tomorrow.

All the best to everyone! Woot !


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