Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Enticing dessert & a Nightmare

Hey guys! :D

How did your dinner went? Mine went awesomely.

I enjoyed the dessert MOST. Yes, I took a picture of it, here you go:

This dessert is among the Chinese. I believe that we eat this every winter season. I don't know what its called in English but in Chinese we say, 'Tong Yin". Very popular dessert and serve it hot. Cause its for the Winter.

Anyway, I eat this like once a year. And I eat at my grandma's all the time. But this year, due to come inconveniences, my mom is making it. :D

She said its been 9 years she haven't made this. She said she used to do it when she was very very young. So I think it kinda bring her back some kind memories.

I was making it with her and my brother tagged along. I was surprised that she's making them. Cause I didn't have any idea before but the hint was there when she asked me to fetch some pandan leaves. And I have to go out, to any of my garden and search for it. Poor thing actually. I forgot to bring some scissors and I have no choice but to tear or pull. I almost pull the entire thing out and I panicked. LOL. It was very delicate.

I wasn't sure of the leaves actually. Since its dark and after the rain, it kinda go uncomfortable. I was smelling the leaves to catch the smell of it in case I got the right one. I just smelled the rain. LOL. I have to wipe it out and smell it again. And there, voila!

My mom was making the dough, you know the small white chewy thingy. Yeah those are awesome. I learnt it from her and she said I will have to do it next year. LOL. Watch me people! She said if she was busy today she would just open the instant one and plop it into the sweet soup. But thankfully, she was free today.

I talk so much just of ONE dessert. LOL. Well, hopefully I will make this next year and share it with you guys. No matter what race you are, this dessert is a MUST TRY. Don't worry, its non added sugar. Its just painfully genuinely sweet. By one fruit called something in Chinese. I don't know the spelling but its called like this: "Mat Chou" Gosh, I know Chou means soy sauce but it does sound like that. Or I misheard.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the story. This is very traditional and some of the modern Chinese might not know what the hell I'm talking about. My mom hoped that my brother's wife in the future might know how to do this. Glad I'm in the traditional family. I'm like literally thanking God right now. Serious, I'm super grateful. If my ONLY sister-in-law doesn't know HOW to do this simple dessert, I'm gonna slap her so bad and rip her hair apart from the scalp!

Time to change the picture, I bet all of you guys have seen Zhang Ziyi already. So stay tuned!

Kays, good night! ^3^

P.S: OMG, when I type 'good night', something popped out. My dream from today!! I will make it brief. What does P.S stands for anyway? Okay, my dream was awful.

-I got kidnapped. ( Not really. )
-Friends ditched me on the road.
-Characters starred inside: I only remember Chin Xing.
-Venue: BSD, Police Station.

We were cycling. I don't really know who are the 'we' people. I don't know but we were cycling and everyone went ahead of me and I couldn't catch up. Oh this is the awful part. There was like.. loads loads loads of perverted MEN ganging up on me. Seriously, it was so scary. My heart was beating so fast. I didn't know what to do. And yada yada.

I once read a comic of this girl got raped and the weird thing is the rapist in that very book, is in my dream.. Gosh I remembered that man's face so clearly. He's like ON DRUGS. He was huffing. Huff Huff. Saliva coming out form his ugly mouth. Drooling, that is. Eyes bulging out from his skin and eek, one word: hideous! Or monster. I don't know!

It was the most awful feeling I ever felt, seeking for help, can't think what should I do. There were LOADS of men. Snickering, laughing, pervert-y eyes on me. I am shivering right now, gosh. Save me Lord. So I ran away. I don't think I have my bike and I am RUNNING so fast just to save my life and virtue. I was reaching for my phone tugged inside my tight jeans. Since when I wear TIGHT jeans? Or maybe I was sweating so bad that it sticks to my skin.

I saw the MEN was chasing after me and ME, alone. It seems that I'm the only one in the street. I pressed the number keys on my phone, shaking so bad, until I keyed in the wrong number like 995, 239, 569, 290, such. Then I remember I was STILL running, looking back, looking front, watching my steps so I won't trip and fall and regret and staring at the phone.

I was thanking God that I didn't have an iPhone. Which would take long time just to key in buttons. So finally I got the number and hopefully if I alive, I should put emergency calls on speed dial. When it was dialing, I ran again and again, looking back. The guys were so so perverted. Seriously, it freaks me out, just imagine what THOSE guys will do to my body and corrupt my brain which will lead to trauma.

And you know what? The police guy almost hang up cause I didn't put the phone through my ear. WTF. I was stumbling on every word. What I know that I said is, 'HELP!'. Then the stupid idiot bitch thought it was a prank! Can't he hear my voice sounded URGENT and INNOCENT and AFRAID?

Then I told him about the guys and all and they didn't care. Then I shouted, "They're JUST OUTSIDE your stupid OFFICE! PLEASE, just look OUTSIDE! Please!" And that, alerted them, I saw 2 LAZY looking policemen went out from the police station and just walk. All I knew that, it seems they went out to go to Shell Station.

There, I woke up. I was out of breath. Thinking, am I still alive? No one had pushed me to have sex right? I prayed hard that hopefully that was a dream. I stared at the clock for a good long minute. It was 6 PM. God, what a nightmare. I start cursing and ask myself why didn't they wait for me? Why did I ended up cycling with them?

So girls, especially, oh please, the dream is like an experience and I share this with you and I put all my feelings in words to write them down and hope you guys know how it feels like to be chased and to be drooled at and help doesn't come and you simply just hate yourself for being alone.

And guys. This is serious. Rape can end any women's entire life. And just thinking of it, frightens me a lot. I tried making it short but if its short, the words don't come out alive and you guys won't know how it feels like. So I apologies for dragging you guys for reading them.

Anyway, don't enjoy this nightmare. Its not interesting at all. Its damn ass frightful.

Okay that's all for today. Good Night.


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