Sunday, December 13, 2009

Selamat Pagi

Its 8:33 AM and I'm awake! :D I don't say that I'm in full recovery but on the way, on the way. God, its early. Haha. I slept very early yesterday. About 9:30. Right after texting Yenyi and she said she went out to but something to wear. So yeah, its late and innocent people are asleep and she's out, shopping. Dear goodness, it worries me sick.

But my worries fade off after I saw her update in her blog. Guess she's home by then. Yenyi, call me if you're okay. You know after everything. With your daddy. I guess its hard to blame yourself so yeah.. Haih, I don't know lol. I'm a darn good girl lately to my parents and family. Right after my biggest argument with my mom, my life changed. And well, I always protest to Yenyi as if I don't know how she's feeling. Maybe Sara will help...

Fck, I'm sorry that I didn't say this. On the Dec 13th, yesterday was... HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY, TAYLOR SWIFT!! Yeap, its her birthday and I forgot about it. Dammit.

Yesterday was a crazy day. Kinda. Remember my sister's foul mood? I kinda hate it when she picked it on my mom. My mom kinda like ... disallow her to get something and she just snapped. Then she does it on me, as I am her loyal, forced & obedient room mate. Then while I was eating porridge and corn last night, (I know) hahah, my mom talked to me about the plans for the 22nd of Dec, known for some big day for Chinese.

So we talked about my sis a while. I told her not to take it to heart cause she didn't sleep the other night and of course her mood was worsen if she doesn't get what she want. Pampered bitch. LOL. I can tell my mom wants to make everything right.

Like for example, as I was sleeping last night, my mom came into the room and sat on my sis' bed and talked to her about something. And my sis was sleeping. Half awake, I think. Then my sister was raising her voice saying, "Why the door is open? The air con will go out!" I'm in my bed, eyes wide, her words loud and clear in my head. Oh my dear God, how my mom will be deeply hurt! After saying that, my sister resume her disturbed sleep.

My mom left the room, off the light and slammed the door. There, that's it. I was so so so.. sad. Somehow. Imagine my mom's place. You're in her shoes. I would slap her myself! But it seems my mom is more patient than I am. I'll pamper her tonight. Sigh.

I don't mind if she does it on me cause I'm equally lazy, dumb and patient. But my mom is whole new agenda. She has a status as a mom and a wife. While I am a sister and a daughter. And that's like a huge gap. So, do it on me. WTF, don't pick on her, Goddammit. This is what I'm angry about. VERY.

Anyway, I'm sure she'll read this. I got the feeling my sis read my blog cause she reads Yenyi's. Which I kinda hesitant. Sigh, I don't know.

Respect your own parents, everyone. Seriously. Treat them like a parents, not some fishmonger out there. If they order you, willingly do it. Don't be a stubborn fool. In a snap, they're gone, you're gonna regret it cause the last time you talked to them was fighting back at them. Which I am sorry to bring that up. Its true.

I don't know if I got a huge tumor on my head or something. Who knows? I just want everything goes smooth and flawless between my parents. Cause I need them more than I need them. So yeah. I got a luxurious life right here. More you could ask for.

But as for the PMR results... that, I will definitely disappoint one of them. LOL. Sorry! That's another story. Hah, well.

Sorry about my complains in this glory morning. Have a really great morning and be well. :)

Till then, ^3^

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