Saturday, December 19, 2009


That is Dutch saying "Good evening!". :)

Okay before I start to blabber about how the party went. I want you to check this OUT!

This is the second official trailer for Valentine's Day. Tay's inside!! :D

If you want it clearer, go to this: one.

Okay, now I will tell you how it went.

I woke up at 4 PM. Having 4 messages in my inbox and one missed call. I woke up right away, thought that its already 6 PM. But phew. So I started to call a few people - you know the unwanted ticket. The perfect person to go was Desmond. He told me if I have asked him earlier, he would have gone but its too late. Blah.

Special apologies to Mei Yen. Seriously.

So in the end... I went alone. Saw Karen in a beautiful outfit. Cause she's performing. So I started to hug her since its been such a long time. We started to chit and chat. She passed me the ticket and wow, I didn't realize this party was SO HUGE. About like 200 people there?

Before that I went to Shell to buy small gifts cause Karen said bring something and they will use it for lucky draw. So I bought five lollipops and I got the ribbon from my house and tried tying it like a bouquet. Its not easy as you think. I stayed in the car with my brother right outside the Church just to fix the problem. So yeap we did. :D

Then when Karen saw it, she said its on the 24th of Dec we're having that event. I was like WHAT?! So in the end Karen took one, Cola flavor. Next, one Indian boy took one, Watermelon flavor. Then the Indian girl took the Strawberry one. And I ate the Orange one. Left the Strawberry Cream. Which is right beside me right now. (Sorry about the Indian thingy, didn't get your names! Xs) Seriously the lollipop destroys my mouth. I don't like it.

While we were waiting for the other people to come and gather and sit and talk, Karen & I was debating and arguing and protesting and being incredibly stubborn to each other just for one thing: the seats. She told me to go to the more private part and its only for the performers and I felt kinda left out there and trying to fit in. XP

But I kept telling her I should sit at the audience side. But she was like NOO. Oh gosh, so in the end, I gave in. Okay, how did the ceremony started ah... Umm.. Hold on. Trying to refresh my entire memory.

Oh! We sang. The Pastor, Mr Wah Lok, I hope that is the spelling, gave all of us a warm welcome and introduction. So we stood up and sang along with the church members on the stage. We were clapping along, dancing, singing.. very entertaining.

Right after that, we dashed to the hall for FOOD. Yes, we ate hungrily. Not me but yeah, I was excited. I went to meet up with some old friends that I've met during the Jumanji Night. At first, they didn't recognize me. Ah pluek. XP

Hey, I did dressed my best tonight and well, my mom said I look like village girl and start scolding and lecturing how I dressed ugly-ly. I'm not jesting. This happened just now. Just just now. This is the part when I started to hate going out. Without my parents. Yeah, my mom dress me up every week. How frustrating. If I don't like it, I have to face another 30 minutes lecture. Which its not gonna happen. BAH.

Back to it. After we ate, Karen & I felt VERY full and we ought to talk a walk for a breath of fresh air. Oh yeah, I met Vanessa. Nice girl. I like her. So friendly. :) She has my number!! Hope she doesn't pass it about. So we took a stroll around the place and be a busy body. LOL.

After eating.. Umm.. Shit, I forgot. Oh yeah! Performance! It was so good. I was melting. They had coral singing and a little drama how did Jesus was found. Including the sequence of the song. I really enjoyed it. The kids were adorable. :D

After that, the Pastor, Mr Wah Lok gave a speech the meaning of Christmas and all. Interoperation with Mandarin. It took longer than I expected though now I finally learnt something. After that, lucky draw!! YEs I WON something! Its a purple bed sheet. :) Actually I was aiming for that biggest thing ever on stage and I was wondering what is inside and how did they wrapped that huge thing. Bigger than my pillow. Serious.

But this small girl won that big thing. Haha. Oh my number is No. 125. I still keep the card. Haha. I was shocked that I got it. My mouth was wide open with disbelief. I was waiting for the Pastor to repeat the number again to confirm my imagination. Karen was nudging me excitedly. I literally almost ran to the stage and grab the present from the kind elder woman. But no, lol. Of course not.

When I got it, I feel like ripping the dang thing off and see what I got. But I resisted! So Karen & Vanessa didn't get. Which I was praying for them to get but hey, the elderly people got them and I think they needed more than we do. Get 'em excited with the event at an old age! Right?

Then we sang for Christmas song and its over! Hope I didn't miss out on anything. So Karen said her daddy will be late and I think that my family were still out too. So we decided to walk back home which was the most stupidest idea. It was almost 10 PM and we're both girls walking back home alone in the dark. SO Karen asked someone and finally we got transport from Vichelle.

The band and singers and some few people stayed to practice a new song for tomorrow's gathering. Its Sunday. Tomorrow. So we stayed with them too and laughed at very hilarious songs they sang or they started dancing or their ridiculous jokes.

When.. the lead singer/guy, who Karen said that he is the Pastor's son was playing the guitar... I felt like crying. It reminded me so much of Ji Hee and that moment I felt like calling Ji Hee all the way from Mexico just to tell her that I miss her. Such a melancholic feeling. Karen thought I was bored but it was not that. Gosh. Its been 5 months... 5 long, long months that Ji Hee had left us. Its like a slap went across my cheek when he play the first note. It seems like Ji Hee was there, on the stage, ready to sing her heart out.

Okay, umm. Haha. Sorry about that. The band was awesome of course. I look up to the people who can sing angelically and plays the musical instruments musically. Which were them. The songs are nice too. Sometimes they make it rock-ish and sometimes they make it sad-ish. Hope God is dancing along while we were singing it for Him. Haha.

I brought some food back home. Which is a good thing. But they took all the good ones like the pork and beef and the meat and the other left overs are the vegetables. So i brought back 6 packs! :D Then Vichelle sent us home and I love her car right away. Its a Proton Wira and when I got in, it was so comfortable! I could sleep there forever! The song on the radio was perfect - calm and soothing. The smell is just perfect - fresh and chilly. I would buy her car! LOL.

We reached to Karen's house safely. Chucky greeted me happily which I find it so amusing. Ah Fook should follow his style instead of barking you love them. LOL. Chucky had his hair cut and I love it. His fur is soft and silky, I was patting him the entire time and dropping a few kisses on his delicate head. Then I gave him the pillow - his one, and he started biting it. Haha. Ah Fook is more aggressive and he should follow Chucky's elegance and patience.

Karen's room brought me lots of reminiscence of our (HAHA) group study right before PMR. Gosh, we did so many crazy things. We ended up playing instead of studying. We even did YOGA. LOLOL. Seriously, that enjoyable and crazy memories brought smiles to my face.

I was reading some magazines on the floor with Chucky humping me for about 5 seconds till Karen brushed him off. I don't mind, I told her. And she laughed. Ah Fook will do it for half an hour. He should really follow Chucky's behavior lol. We chatted a bit. Few questions and laughs here & there. She was doing some sudoku from the Youth Camp booklet. From far, I thought it was school work and I was shocked to see her studying. HAHA.

My bro came, said some regretful goodbyes and dashed off. How I wish to attend Church on Sundays. But no. :( Family Day.

And reached home, mom was lecturing about my attire. While I dish in some brief story to them. Went up and you know, do girls' things. Shower. Put the clothes I wore in the rightfully place carefully and came here. Now voila, here I am. Of course I did some Tay update. And then when I saw the trailer number 2 for Valentine's Day and gonna show you guys. :)

So how was your dinner guys? Mine was good, right? Better than good. Best night ever. YET. I didn't know it'll be so formal. The guys were wearing collared shirts, with ties and bow ties. Some girls were wearing beautiful dresses and I felt like BOOM. I shouldn't wear this!! But nah, I got warmed up easily.

While I was eating, I saw a couple. They look rich. LOL. The girl is pretty though. Wearing wedges and a summer dress that has white flowers bumping out from her chest. She supposed not to wear that. LOL. Follow the season dammit. Its winter and she's wearing summer. Pssh, I supposed not to care about this matter. The wedges suited her dress 100%. It has the very same of the white flower from her chest. But her accessories. Handbag. Nope, not matching. Its pink and she's wearing white from top to toe. Except for her hair of course, its bronze.

The guy, usual. Black collared shirt, no tie, jeans and sneakers. He was holding her handbag. GOSH. Cause there was no seats so eat on the floor or just bloody stand up. I detest MEN who hold their girlfriend's handbag. If its for a while thing, like I wanna tie my shoe laces on the escalator and I asked my bro to hold it a while, then its OK. But when you going shopping, bla bla bla, NO. You stupid weak men, don't do it!

Handbags are for WOMEN. Handbags are part of WOMEN's accessory. And its their job to strut it, not the MEN! Karen said he was being NICE. WHAT!? I could make a video showing my weird fcked up face to you guys. OK, maybe the guy was being nice but as for the girls' part is being a PRINCESS. A very spoiled one. Don't bring one if you think its a BURDEN! Or a nuisance, whatever you think that has made you annoyed.

Gosh, that was good. Letting it all out. Thank you thank you.

Anyway, Sean, one of the Church member and the photographer for the event showed me a few collection of his photos. Which was HARD to believe that he took it. It looks like he got it from the internet. And you know what? I gotta admit Malaysia is very beautiful once you had a beautiful picture for it. He finally made me realized it. I thought some photos are from overseas but Nope. It has been in Malaysia. Thanks, Sean. :)

How do you like Tay's picture? Its from People Magazine. I'm GONNA get it! She's wearing Marchesa, one of my favorite designer. There are lots more pictures from her so, chill out and expect them one day. Will show all of it, before the New Year's. :)

Anyway, I'm really, really, VERY, very anxious, nervous, panicked, desperate, frightened whatever for the PMR results this THURSDAY! Whoever got left out (like me), here's the proof. I even took a pict of it.

There it is. Sorry, you have to tilt you head to get a better view.

So soon. GOSH. This Thursday!! I still haven't decided my subjects and classes and haka haka yada yada AHHH! Nervous. Stupid KL reminded me of THAT!

Anyway, SO sorry to drag you guys AGAIN for reading all this crap (for you, not for me) story of mine. I enjoyed writing them out. I'll make videos next time. Once I know how to edit, and edit the video to professional hardcore quality movie. So much easier than reading all this long long story and which you might find it boring.

Don't find it boring. LOL. It was hard writing all of that. Its like spitting out my brain to write all these. It does take time to choose the best word and I replaced a few and tried my best with perfect grammar. Bet there are a lot of mistakes right there. Bah. And I write in full English. Not so cha-pa-lang rojak language and short forms like those text messages. So yeah. *thumbs up*

So I bid you guys good night and it was indeed a really great night. For me. :)

Goedenacht! In Dutch which means Good Night. :)

Hope you enjoy my story!


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