Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Back & Smiles all over my face

YES!! Went to KLCC, finally fulfilled my To-Do-List!
Which WAS:-
-X'Mas prezzies!

I bought 5 novels and cost me my entire wallet. But my dear brother insisted he would pay. When I wanted him to pay for me, he would go mad. But this time I wanna pay but he was willing to pay for me. So weird but hehe. Got what I wanted. So my novels have cost him his entire Dec allowance. Peh, you wanted to pay 'em for me.

Anyway now Blog Spot is having troubles again. SO I gonna copy AND paste it somewhere or it'll be gone, again which I am NOT gonna to let it happen. Na ah, no more repeating mistakes.

So after Kinokuniya, we both went to Little Penang Cafe. Yup, just around the corner. Then I order the Char Koey Teow (LOL) and my bro ordered Asam Laksa. Then yeah, while I was eating, I didn't like the CKT, so I told my brother to switch with me. Which he obliged. Then yeah... it was damn fcking spicy. I was sticking out my tongue every time I swallowed the food.

While eating, I remembered about the X'mas presents. It was totally last minute. So yeah. And that time, I treated my brother lunch. So I paid the bill. Which confused people since I'm a girl and thought my "boyfriend" is the one must pay the lunch. But nooo, we're just an ordinary siblings going shopping together. We didn't even hold each other's hands. Ugh, what a disturbing image.

Yes, GIRLS!! Bitches, rather. I got your gifts!! I saw there's 3 LEFT. Then I thought, "If JH was here, it'll be perfect." So I only bought two which also cost me my entire wallet. PURSE, I mean. I'll give you guys on the Eve cause I don't wanna disturb your family on the real day. Which I have my very own X'mas Family Dinner on that day too. Without my parents. =.=

My parents are OUT on the EVE & Christmas. I know, how sad. My father's inconsiderate, stupid, selfish, jerk friend had his own mongrel's fcking wedding dinner on both of those days! I kinda complained to my mom about this. "Why don't you decline? You guys supposed to be home for us. On Christmas." Then my mom replied, "Papa wants to go and I can't object." Her reply gave me a shut-up-moment. When my dad wants to go, no one can stop him.

My mom also said "Yeah that gila friend. No brain. Everyone wants to be home on Christmas with their family but instead. What kind of wedding date is that?" Then I continued, "I feel like SLAPPING him." My mom just nodded in agreement. Hmm, so so sad. :( So my mom said only us will be celebrating at home. So my sister is in charge of the food while my bro doing the set-up and while I help my sis. So yeah. No parents. Normal teenagers will feel happy when their parents are out on a special day but we don't.

Just imagine, home alone with siblings, missing parents, we preparing food in silence. While you're imagining that, cut the scene and include the parents inside. There's difference. Happiness and laughter and good times on a very special day.

I remembered last year, we roast chicken instead of turkey. LOL. My sis was in charge of the gravy which she did her job well. I did the amazing mashed potatoes which my mom taught me few years back. My dad & bro did something with the tables and chairs while my mom did some of the cooking and the decorations in the house. Ahhh. Blissful.

I popped out the wine! Yes, haha. But my mom drank orange juice instead. After dinner, I was cleaning up and everything was settled, we sat down, drinks all over the table, and make some conversations. That's when my mom got our presents ready. LOL. This was the moment I always remember!

I used to believe in Santa Clause. Really. Before I move here, I used to get gifts under my pillow on Christmas Day. I stayed up one night just to see him/her. But my body failed me but nonetheless the next morning, the present was under my pillow. :DD I was telling my parents, "Look, Look! Look what Santa gave me!" HAHAHAHHAAHHAAHAHHAAH. My mom was like "WoW, what is that? That's really cool. Make sure you thank him!" And my dad was smiling. Hey, I was young.

When I move here, the presents stopped coming. I was sad. And I blamed, I repeat, BLAMED the guard house for not letting Santa to come in. LOLOLOL! I know. LOL. I found out that it was my parents all along. Okay, back where I was. Its been years my mom stopped sending gifts. 5 years already. Okay, my mom gave 3 gift packages to each of us. So I opened mine, it was a watch. Cause all my watches are broken and over worn and I told my mom to fix all of 'em cause the batt's dead.

My reaction was priceless. LOL. I remembered I screamed, "WHOAAA!!" Then I recovered quickly and frowned, "Is this real?" LOLOLOL! My mom was like "I don't know." HHAHA. But it is, I checked the watch box and it contained some license etc. Then my mom said, "You wanted a watch right? Hehe." Yeah, she giggled.

Then my sister's turn. She was anticipating the moment. Then she opened. Socks. Yeah socks. :D When I was young, my mom put the gifts inside the socks and placed it under our pillows. Then my sis frowned, "SOCKS?". LOLOL. Then my dad said, "Hey its Adidas. Not some cheapo ordinary socks." Then my mom agreed.

My brother's one is pretty awesome too. He was so humble and he opened the wrapper. He's like savoring the moment. It turned to be, socks, too. Oh, he didn't frowned. He was gracious. Then my mom said, "That's not all." My bro was like, confused. He checked inside the socks. Then he shrieked. LOLOL. Priceless. Guess what? It contained his driving license card. HAHAHAAHAHA. He was so happy. He said, "YEAH, finally I can drive!!" He had been waiting for the card for a very long time so yeah, it appears that my parents collected it for him.

So what do you think? I really like this Christmas Story of mine. But too bad we're not having it this year. I remember I texted with James about the party/dinner etc. He said he want to trade his turkey with my mashed potatoes. LOL. Then it turnes out that his turkey was all finished then he offered Ham instead. LOL. But we didn't trade in the end cause mine was gone too. :)

Do you guys have this kind of dinner? No matter what religion/beliefs you have, having dinner with your love ones are really memorable.

I have been talking so much, dear goodness. I'll stop now. :) Hope you guys enjoyed this post as much as I do. I won't be posting till tomorrow cause, well, I already posted 2 now including this one. Check below if you have missed out. :) And forgive me for the spelling mistakes or incorrect grammar cause I'm in a rush to read my books but I can't help it to remember my last Christmas. And I'm happy to share it. And yeah, sorry about the LOL part. It seems I wrote about ... a lot.

Sorry to keep you guys up! Enjoy my story!
Loads of love,
SK ^3^

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